Seruni Hotel is a good place for resting for your family located in Puncak - Cisarua, West Java, about 60 km from Jakarta. Moreover,Seruni Hotel also has completed facilities such as swimming pool, meeting room, good views of nature, and near to Taman Safari - Indonesia center for reproduction of endangered wildlife.
Location :
Jl. Pirus, Kampung Baru
Tegal Cibereum 16750
Seruni I - Pangrango
Telp. 0251 - 8251111 (hunting)
Faks. 0251 - 8258171
Seruni II - Gunung Gede
Telp. 0251 - 8259988 (hunting)
Faks. 0251 - 8250620
Telp. 021-8305877-79, 8281093
Faks. 021-8299002
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